Diskussion von Testflächen an der Ufermoräne des Gepatschferners, die den Gletscherstand von ca. 1850 anzeigt

First joint meeting in Kaunertal

From 1-3 July 2019, a meeting of all SEHAG working groups took place in Kaunertal. Together, test plots were determined on site, where different groups will explore the interactions of various processes. Measuring equipment such as discharge gauges and a weather station were also installed, which are of great importance for the work during the project period. The evenings were used to get to know the project participants and to coordinate the upcoming field season.

This picture illustrates the massive melting of the Gepatschferner in recent years. Near the place where this photo was taken at the beginning of July 2019, laser scans were aqcuired for the PROSA project in 2012 – ON the glacier…