How will the high Alpine landscape change due to glacier retreat by 2050?

In March, field work was carried out on the Weisssee-, Gepatsch-, Zufall- and Fürkele-glaciers in the Kaunertal and Martelltal valleys as part of the research project SEHAG. The aim was to record the topography under the glaciers in order to obtain a picture of the future mountain landscape today. Scientists from the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW, Kay Helfricht and Martin Stocker-Waldhuber) and the Institute for Alpine Environment at Eurac Research jointly carried out georadar measurements and terrestrial laser scans on site. The people and material involved were brought to the measurement site by helicopter due to the remote location and the heavy weight. The area was surveyed that is expected to be ice-free by 2050. The data help the scientists to model the processes that will take place in the future and to make better forecasts.